Sunday 18 September 2011

Those days of your life...

There are certain days when nothing goes right; starting from your hair that doesn’t stay in place to mood swings that stop you from doing truck loads of assignments for college. Those days you’d be sleep deprived and wouldn’t have a book to spend the night with. Even if you are lucky enough to get one you wake up next day with a dreadful headache and sore eyes, and plans made for the day go down the drain. When that daily cup of hot steaming tea you sip on while reading the newspaper doesn’t have that felicitous amount of sugar in it and you are too lazy to march to the kitchen to make it taste better. You realize that you’ve been engulfed by the appalling news in the papers and is definitely going to miss the college bus if you stop to have breakfast. With a near empty stomach you rush to the bus stop only to realize that you’ve forgotten the assignment which was due that day and rush back home to find you mom with a I-told-you-so expression. She takes pity on you and offers a ride to the next bus stop provided you listen to a lecture on time management and punctuality. You reluctantly accept the offer as you cant afford to miss class not because you want to attend class, but due to lack of sufficient attendance. You catch a heavily congested bus to college, clearly aware of the fact that the clock is ticking and if you beat the traffic you can make it to the class in time. You rush to class and find that the attendance has already been taken and begging for it would mean another lecture on what you mum preached over. So you are in a sorry state of affairs, bound to sit through a boring lecture on 8085 processor, without even getting attendance for the hour. You pull through it somehow and is hastily copying out pages of greek and latin from your friends’ assignment as you had procrastinated it to the 11th hour. Recess time comes by and you find that your luncheon comprises of roti and dal which you detest, but you best friend hops in and snatches your food and finishes it off to the last morsel in a jiffy. Your stomach is in rumbling, and can eat a horse now, and all you are left is a bottle of water you’ve brought from home. Your other friend understands your plight and offers you a slice of bread in which you sought refuge for the time being. The thought of sitting through three hours of lab brings forth sleep in you but you drag your ass out there and look blankly at the monitor pretending to solve a code but you are actually thinking of how many minutes have passed since you got in. Counting time you again make it through lab with an empty stomach and burning eyes and is waiting to get back home at the earliest. You manage to reach home suffice your gluttony and hits the sack after popping in a aspirin. You escape into a dream where you are atop a flying pig who takes you around Pigland where pigs rule and clouds are made of pink cotton candy. You get high on cotton candy and promise your aviator that you’ll include his part in your blog post and kisses him farewell after your small escapade. 

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